The Association’s aims are:
To provide a choice of experienced and reliable mediators to those wishing to find a suitable mediator;
To provide professional support to mediators across the region with a wide range of different areas of expertise;
To promote the use of mediation, particularly within the South West region.
We are committed to the promotion of mediation in as many aspects of conflict resolution as possible, including civil and commercial, family, employment, community and wider societal disputes.
To facilitate this, membership of the Association is open to any person or organisation with an interest in mediation, on payment of an initial joining fee and an annual membership fee.
We provide a variety of useful resources and services exclusively to members. We hold regular meetings which qualify for CPD and we provide peer support to discuss difficult cases, share experience and develop expertise.
For mediators seeking accreditation or those who are training, we offer opportunities for observations and mentoring. We refer enquiries to suitable members who have the appropriate accreditation, based on a mediator's area of qualified expertise and experience.
Membership Benefits
Some of the benefits of membership of the Association are as follows: -
Free, or discounted access to online and other training and CPD;
Priority access to online and other training;
Opportunities to network with other experienced mediators from a variety of disciplines;
Access to peer support to discuss difficult cases, share experience and develop expertise;
For those seeking accreditation or those who are training or need the requisite CPD, we offer opportunities for observations and mentoring;
We can provide mentoring for newly qualified mediators seeking practical experience;
Access to a members-only area for documents and support;
Membership is essential if you wish to become a Panel member;
Opportunities to publish blogs on the Association website
Opportunities to raise profile by leading internal and external training sessions;
Working together to pursue “cooperative” mediation opportunities through a not-for-profit organisation.
Panel membership brings: -
Profile on the website;
Opportunities to quote for new mediations;
The benefit of ASWM marketing and promotional activities.
For those who regularly commission mediation: -
Free, or discounted access to online and other training and CPD;
Priority access to online and other training.
Membership is open to anyone interested in undertaking mediation and promoting the use of mediation particularly in the South West of England. Many of our members have undergone some mediation awareness training and may have an interest in learning more, though this is not essential. Some will be interested in becoming panel members and taking appointments.
A key objective of membership is to provide relevant, accessible and affordable training and support to members. Training covers the specific requirements of specialist disciplines and also wider, cross-disciplinary skills. Training takes place in venues across the South West.
For a summary of forthcoming events click here.
The Association also takes steps to promote mediation throughout the region by making presentations and providing training to outside organisations. It encourages individuals, businesses and organisations and their advisers to build mediation clauses into legal agreements and, indeed, to encourage the use of mediation to resolve disputes that emerge when matters are being negotiated.
If you would like to join please download and complete this application form and return it, to the Secretary, with a membership fee. Before doing so, please refer to our Articles of Association, Members Handbook and Privacy Policy.
Note that membership of ASWM does not automatically allow you to become a member of one of our panels. If you interested in joining one or more of our panels please complete and submit this additional Panel Membership Application Form.