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Quality Assurance

We publish details of all our members on this website. Members of our panels have a variety of different levels of experience and many are trained in only some of the areas in respect of which we offer their services.


Where possible we do encourage our members to obtain independent accreditation. This usually involves an annual renewal in which the mediator must satisfy the accrediting body that they are mediating regularly and have undertaken ongoing training.



Since ASWM is an accredited Provider of Civil/Commercial Mediation, those mediators on our Civil/Commercial mediation panel are accredited through ASWM with the Civil Mediation Council (“CMC”). This means that each of our Panel members in these areas have been trained by an accredited training organisations, has complied with the CMC’s continuous professional training requirements, has adequate experience and subscribes to the Association's ethical codes and the European Code of Conduct for Mediators 2004.



Each member of our panel of Family Mediators is accredited by a recognised training organisation, has complied with the Family Mediation Council's continuous professional training requirements, has adequate experience and subscribes to the Association's ethical codes and the European Code of Conduct for Mediators 2004.



ASWM is also an accredited provider of Workplace Mediation and many of our members have experience of providing this. This means that each of our Panel members has been trained by an accredited training organisation, has complied with the CMC’s continuous professional training requirements, has adequate experience and subscribes to the Association's ethical codes and the European Code of Conduct for Mediators 2004.



We encourage feedback to our mediators following the mediation so that we can monitor their performance and maintain standards on our panels. This can also help them to improve their skills. A feedback form is available here.



Mediations can involve high emotion and great stress. We will do our best to manage this and we sincerely hope that you will not have any reason to complain about the service we provide. However, if you are unhappy, we would like to hear from you so that we can endeavour to address any issues in the future. Our complaints procedure is available here and a complaints form is available here.


Association of South West Mediators
Telephone: 01823 445 566


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ASWM is a member of the Civil Mediation Council and is registered as a provider of Civil and Commercial mediation as well as Workplace mediation

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