Public Services Mediation
In its simplest form mediation assists in resolving disputes in a structured informal way rather than going through formal processes, encouraging a win/win outcome rather than a win/lose conclusion to a formal procedure.
It can be used to resolve difficulties within the work place for example between:
Members of staff
Staff and management
Staff and customers/members of the public
In schools between Teachers and Parents, Head Teachers, Governors, other professionals, between parents and children
The disputed areas may involve:
Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Gender issues
Other areas of Discriminatory Practice
Inadequate or inappropriate support for Special Educational Needs provision
Stress at work through relationships or actions of others within the workplace
All mediators within this faculty will have experience of mediation cases in relation to a wide range of disputes involving services to the public, including Equal Opportunities.
When dealing with vulnerable adults or children, two mediators will be required to assist in the process. This is a statutory requirement.