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Nick Parker

Nick is a highly experienced Mediator, having mediated over 200 cases in a wide variety of Civil and Commercial disputes, across the UK. 

Nick is highly regarded for being approachable and easy for parties to deal with, with a focus on helping parties resolve their issues with a pragmatic and creative approach. 



Nick has headed the Dispute Resolution Department at Berry Smith LLP since 1996 conducting a busy caseload, dealing with civil disputes, primarily for businesses.

As well as holding a law degree, Nick also holds a Master’s Degree in Advanced Litigation and sits as a Deputy District Judge (Civil) on the Wales circuit. He is a member of the Law Society Civil Justice Committee, and the Civil Justice Council ADR Judicial Liaison Committee This experience enables him to bring a detailed and rounded perspective to what happens if a dispute continues to Court and some of the practical issues and risks that parties may face. Nick has been a long term member of the CMC, and his experience has seen him recently appointed a Fellow.



  • High value claim by company against former shareholder and director regarding claims brought against him for alleged wrongdoing. High Court proceedings underway. Case resolved at mediation. 

  • Dispute in relation to commercial contract dispute relating to the alleged defective supply of goods worth £3million between two companies. Case resolved at mediation. 

  • Dispute between insurance company and private company in relation to commercial contract relating to provision of insurance to third party. Case resolved at mediation. 

  • Technical and construction dispute regarding the fitting out of nightclub and leisure facilities in London. 

  • Several mediations relating to claims by employers against former employees for breach of restrictive covenants and allegations of breach of implied terms of employment. 

  • Disputes between occupiers of neighbouring properties regarding property. 

  • A number of disputes arising out of Wills and inheritance issues, including claims under the Inheritance Act and disputes involving the validity of dispositions. 

  • Complex three party dispute relating to nuisance claim brought by individual against two large companies. Settled at mediation shortly before trial. 

  • A number of disputes regarding TOLATA issues between former co-habitants. 

  • Technical dispute regarding the provision of high value audio visual conferencing facilities to a leading conference venue leading to High Court proceedings. Case resolved shortly after mediation day, following further involvement by mediator.

  •  Dispute between a group of residential tenants against landlord’s agent regarding service charge applied in relation to their properties. Case part resolved at mediation, with an agreed process to determine remaining issues leading to overall resolution.

  •  Various intellectual property disputes concerning patents, design rights and confidential information, including a mediation where one party was based overseas attended via Skype



South Wales



Long term former member of ADR Group

Fellow member of Civil Mediation Council

Founding member of Hexagon Mediation

Sits as Deputy District Judge (Civil) on the Wales Circuit

Member of the Law Society Civil Justice Committee

Member of the Civil Justice Council ADR Judicial Liaison Committee.




"Nick did exceptionally well with parties who started the process a long way apart. I was not optimistic about a successful mediation, but Nick’s measured and thoughtful approach achieved an outcome which was genuinely better for both sides.I would highly recommend him for his style, and the mediation skills he has.”

(Comment from partner at law firm)


"Nick was really approachable and worked hard on the day to manage the parties expectations, and enable them to reach a settlement earlier in the day than I have ever managed before with a mediation.  I would recommend his services as a mediator to others without hesitation."

(Comment from partner at law firm)


“Nick Parker proved hugely to be an excellent mediator with a difficult and complex Inheritance Act claim.”

(Comment from director at law firm)


“Nick handled the mediation with ease. He was extremely professional throughout, whilst making everyone feel relaxed, which no doubt assisted the parties in reaching the settlement that they did. He got to grips with the issues without any problems, encouraging the parties to focus their attention on the key areas of dispute. I wouldn’t hesitate using Nick again. ”

(Comments from solicitor at law firm)


“Nick is excellent at quickly assessing the best approach to be adopted in working constructively with each party in achieving a resolution.  He is very astute in adapting his approach to the character and personalities of the parties and the nature of the dispute.  He employs some very constructive tricks of the trade in breaching what might appear to be a solid impasse to settlement.”

(Comment from partner at law firm)

Association of South West Mediators
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ASWM is a member of the Civil Mediation Council and is registered as a provider of Civil and Commercial mediation as well as Workplace mediation

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